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#18 Sing it Out!

Singing is fun. No doubt about it. Whether you’re a pro or can’t carry a tune, singing is fun. However, have you ever thought about the benefits of singing regularly? Take a look at these four benefits of singing, and ask yourself if you’ve got ten minutes to belt out your favourite tunes:

1. Singing increases happiness. When you sing, your body produces endorphins, the happiness hormone. You’re also working out your lungs which gets your blood pumping, increasing circulation, giving you that natural “high” feeling.

2. Increases longevity. Studies are showing that singing can help to lower levels stress by reducing cortisol, the stress hormone. Cortisol has been shown to be responsible for many physical and emotional ailments, such as decreased memory, heart disease and depression. So when we sing, we increase our chances of a longer, healthier life. Pretty cool, huh?

3. Feelings of Community and Connection. While singing solo is beneficial, singing among others can add even greater value. Not only do you receive the benefits listed above, but you are also gaining the value of social connection. While some of us (including myself) are introverted and gain energy from being alone, we are hard-wired for social connection. We need others around for support to survive and thrive. When I joined the amateur musical theatre group, I not only gained a new family, but I met my husband as well. Connection. That’s what we’re here for.

4. Increases Self-Esteem. Performing in front of your mirror (a long-time favourite so that I can choreograph to my singing) (Insert picture) and performing in front of groups can help boost confidence in yourself and your talents. When I first joined the amateur musical theatre group in 2012, I was so nervous and insecure about my singing that when the director of the show offered me a singing line, I politely declined, happy to be a dancer. However, he made me do it, which I am so thankful for. While I was nervous, it felt amazing once I got up on stage. It was a high like I’d never experienced before. So when the next auditions came around for ‘A Chorus Line’ I was ready for more than just one line. This time I got a solo part in a song with two other girls. Was I scared enough to poop in my pants? Yes! But I took some singing lessons and strengthened my voice. By the time the third show came around, I was ready to take a full song. I auditioned with the song ‘Cups’ from the movie Pitch Perfect, and guess what? They put it in the show! I wasn’t sure how I was going to tackle singing and making music with the cup at the same time. But with enough practice, despite my doubt, I did it. And it was a hit! My last show I sang the entire song, ‘Popular’ from the hit musical Wicked. And that’s exactly what it was. People were laughing where I wanted them to, and my body was exploding with endorphins. It was one of the best feelings in the world.

So get out there, blast your favourite song, and belt it out like Beyonce!

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